Welcome to Cecilia's Personal Page
Hi, my name is Cecilia Hook, I am participating in Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM). I am a part of a cohort that will being going to Senegal this 2023-2024 YAGM year. As part of accepting this call, I am asked to raise at least $5,000. To learn more about this journey I have attached a short article below.
The following article was written by Adam Mertz for the ELC Mt. Horeb church newsletter. He did a wonderful job summarizing so my own feelings and journey deciding to participate in YAGM. I would like to share his words here:
Throughout her life, Cecilia Hook has heard from many people that she would be a great candidate to participate in Young Adults in Global Mission.
She's long been fascinated by stories her mother, Kate, shared from her time as a Peace Corps volunteer in Thailand.
And she's been eager for a chance to return to Senegal, the West African country where her study-abroad experience with UW-La Crosse was cut short in 2020 as COVID hit.
So when an opportunity emerged to merge her faith, her desire to immerse herself in another culture, her degree in Cultural Anthropology and her familiarity with French and local African languages, it's no surprise she jumped at the chance.
In late August, Cecilia will venture back to Senegal for her assignment with YAGM, where she will live with a host family, become a contributor to whichever community she lands in and lend a hand wherever needed at a local Lutheran Church.
Cecilia's a strong advocate for the program's model of "accompaniment," a desire to walk alongside, listen and learn from the Senegalese about their culture and their beliefs - a contrast to the sometimes dark history of colonial Christianity, forced assimilation and physical harm.
ELCA is doing a very good job of seeing how to stand in partnership, be invited in, have a conversation and dialogue," Cecilia said. "What's important is being in that community together."
The total cost for one young adult in the program is about $15,000. Each young adult is tasked with raising $5,000 to help support their year of service. The ELCA commits to raising the additional $10,000 per volunteer through generous congregations and individual donors. If more than 5,000 in gifts is received, the additional funds will help support other young adult volunteers and the future of the Young Adults in Global Mission program.
I would greatly appreciate your help in raising these funds. I do want to note that on this personal peer page money that has been raised through check and other means are not shown. For example my home congregation has raised over $1,000 to support me in this journey, this is amazing, and so appreciated.
Thank you all for your love and support on this journey. If you are unable to financially support at this time but would still be interested in keeping up to date with my journey please reach out to cecihook@gmail.com
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