Driver's Licenses for All

A driver’s license enables us to live, work, and engage in community through safely navigating the roads, and having identification. It’s something most of us simply take for granted. But our lives would be drastically different and more complicated if we didn’t have access to them.

Immigrant workers who are undocumented or awaiting documentation or work papers do not have access to driver’s licenses in Pennsylvania. They have to make impossible choices about where to work and how to stay safe on the roads. Children live in fear of their parents being deported, and are forced to give up educational opportunities because they do not have access to needed transportation.

HB769 would change this. By allowing all PA residents to have access to unmarked (non-Real ID) driver’s licenses, regardless of citizenship, we can foster a community where every worker and their family is valued, every contribution is acknowledged, and every resident is afforded the dignity they deserve.

From 1992-2002, PA law did allow all residents to obtain a driver’s license, regardless of citizenship. The changes that happened to that process have not made Pennsylvanians safer, and have endangered the livelihood of undocumented residents and lessened road safety. Nationwide, 19 other states have enacted similar legislation, resulting in heightened road safety and human dignity. Giving Non-Real ID Driver's Licenses to all Pennsylvanians who know the rules of the road and pass the exam supports community and safety for all. This legislation DOES NOT allow non-citizens to vote. 

ELCA social teaching recognizes that our immigration system has created the “existence of a permanent sub-group of people who live without recourse to effective legal protection opens the door for their massive abuse and exploitation and harms the common good. We urge leaders and citizens to seek feasible responses to this situation...” (Social Message on Immigration). Giving access to something as simple as unmarked driver’s licenses help give dignity, protection, and sustainable livelihoods to a vulnerable population. We hear the voices of our immigrant neighbors, and amplify their call for such a simple step toward justice.

HB769 not only gives dignity to all PA residents, it also helps our agricultural economy by supporting a safe and mobile workforce, and is projected to create $13 million in economic benefit for the state. It also protects the privacy of all PA residents.

Join LAMPa and an immigrant-led coalition of more than 20 grassroots organizations to help pass this simple, but significant legislation. Contact your assembly members using the form below! PLEASE INCLUDE A PERSONAL NOTE – IT DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE!


  • Your State Senator or Senators
  • Your State Representative or Representatives


Dear [Decision Maker],

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[Your Address]
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