“Organizing and Advocacy: Eco-justice and Sustainability in Infrastructure” will offer training and current insights for people passionate about a more just world. With pressing awareness of change needed for livable and sustainable communities, and with policy discussion on infrastructure shaping that change, join us to inform what you can do.
This event is presented by ELCA advocacy staff and the Organizing for Mission Network. The Organizing for Mission Cohort uses the arts and skills of community organizing to develop and redevelop gospel-centric communities that act for the sake of the world. Shaped by the ELCA’s social teaching documents and the experiences of its congregations, ministries and partners, the ELCA advocates to end world hunger and stand up for policies that create opportunities to overcome poverty, promote peace and dignity, preserve God’s creation and promote racial and gender justice. Expertise from both networks will come together in this presentation and expand our capacity to respond to the challenges of our times.
Promotion of “Organizing and Advocacy: Ecojustice and Sustainability in Infrastructure” can be shared from @ELCAadvocacy on Facebook and Twitter.