Policy NOTES

National attention on police violence and racism The ELCA recently signed a letter to Congress with a coalition organized through The Leadership Conference on Civil & Human Rights. The letter included specific policy recommendations for just police reform. Campaign Zero, a comprehensive platform of research-based policy solutions to end police brutality in America supported by the ELCA since 2016, also includes insights around barriers to effective misconduct investigations and civilian oversight; more available from ELCA.org/ blacklivesmatter.
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COVID-19 legislative response The House of Representatives on May 15 passed a second economic supplemental bill (The HEROES Act). The $3.5 trillion dollar package included almost all of ELCA Advocacy’s top domestic priorities– including expanding low-income housing, nutrition and unemployment benefits. However, the passed bill did not include any additional funding for an international response.
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Compounded migrant concerns The COVID-19 pandemic as well as federal government response to it have widely disrupted the U.S. immigration system. The ELCA with 250 others signed a letter urging the Department of Homeland Security “to immediately halt expulsions of unaccompanied children and those seeking humanitarian protection and restore the rule of law at our borders” and the Centers for Disease Control to rescind its May 20 order.
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Protecting voting rights during the pandemic "Administering elections during a pandemic is new territory for the [U.S.]. But we do not have to choose between public health and a functioning democracy," reads a letter to members of Congress signed by the ELCA with a coalition of faith-based organizations. It welcomed CARES Act funds for elections but requested more in the next response package "for the Election Assistance Commission to uphold a safe and secure general election and to support states and localities still facing risks with primary elections."
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Action Alerts

*new* ENSURE LASTING PROTECTION FOR YOUNG ADULTS KNOWN AS DREAMERS The future of thousands of young adults will be impacted by the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on the Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program anticipated in June 2020.
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*new* TAKE ACTION ON POLICING REFORM House and Senate members have introduced urgent and meaningful policing reforms, and we can raise our voices in support of these needed reforms.
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TAKE ACTION ON THE NEXT CORONAVIRUS SUPPLEMENTAL BILL Congress is considering a new supplemental package to address the economic impacts of COVID-19. Raise critical issues that affect those of us in the greatest need with your lawmakers.
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PEACE NOT WALLS - MAY Israel has said that it can annex segments of the West Bank as soon as July. Such an Israeli de jure annexation would be devastating to any hope of peace with justice.
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Featured Resources
Resource: Signage
Signs in three designs can be downloaded from https://elca.org/resources/advocacy. Tweeted one pastor: “[ELCA] members are putting these kinds of signs in their windows and front yards. It’s an opportunity to share the gospel."
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Resource: Global Health - Malaria
Increased efforts to prevent, mitigate and eradicate malaria over the past 20 years have led to significant progress… [yet] malaria continues to kill over 400,000 people annually, and hundreds of millions of people are affected each year. As Lutherans, we must continue to raise our voices through advocacy to ensure sustainability of global malaria programs.
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Blog: A Week to Remember Interconnectivity of All Life
“All of creation is interconnected,” and “[what] we do today will have profound impacts on future generations, and we value the life of all creation. With Endangered Species Day fresh on our minds and with the fifth anniversary of Laudato Si’ being recognized by many in the interfaith community, we praise and thank God for God’s beautiful creation.”
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Resource: Global Health – HIV/AIDS
A lot has changed about HIV/AIDS since the initial reporting of cases in 1981. In the early days of this global epidemic, acquiring HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, was a death sentence. Over the last 20 years, however, the international community has mobilized and invested in scientific research, development of affordable antiretroviral (ARV) drugs and better policies to slow down the spread of HIV/AIDS globally.
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Dates of Note
WORLD REFUGEE DAY Every minute 20 people leave everything behind to escape war, persecution or terror. Watch for video series from @LutheranWorld Federation.
WEBINAR: ADVOCACY TOOLS FOR LOVING YOUR NEIGHBOR Cohosted 12:30-2 p.m. ET with The Episcopal Church and featuring Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton and Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, monitor @ELCAadvocacy on Facebook for details.