Pass Sensible Gun Laws in PA

Peace Vigil Candles

“They have treated the wound of my people carelessly, saying, ‘Peace, peace,’ when there is no peace.” —Jeremiah 6:14

“National gun suicide and murder rates have recently returned to near-record highs. Three hundred U.S. residents are shot every day. Over 100 perish. Though public mass shootings account for a tiny fraction of criminal homicides, they have grave effects well beyond lost individuals. Guns are now the leading cause of death among individuals under 20. Within this population and others, persisting racial disparities of harm cry out for attention. Such disparities are visible daily on the National Gun Violence Memorial website at” From the ELCA Social Message on Gun-Related Violence and Trauma

The time for sensible, bipartisan measures to combat gun deaths and violence is now. People of faith and others demand action from our lawmakers to stem the tide of deaths caused by guns, in our Commonwealth, and in our country. We must no longer cry for “peace” if we are unwilling to change our ways to achieve it.

Two bills passed the PA House this spring, and have been sitting without a hearing in the Senate.  HB 714 and HB 1018 offer evidence-based measures to reduce gun deaths, both passing the House with bipartisan votes. (See how your House member voted by following the links to the bills.) Universal background checks and emergency removal protection orders (ERPO) (aka red flag laws) are supported by the vast majority of Americans, and have long been policies the ELCA has advocated for to promote peace and safety.

On June 21, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of laws such as HB 1018, with Chief Justice Roberts writing, "Since the founding, our nation’s firearm laws have included provisions preventing individuals who threaten physical harm to others from misusing firearms." ERPOs and other commonsense prevention measures should be heard and given a floor vote so these protections can be codified in Pennsylvania law. 

Contact your Senator today! Urge their support for these bills and ask them to tell their leadership to move them out of committee! Fill out the form below. PLEASE INCLUDE A PERSONALIZED NOTE! IT DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

For ELCA Social Teachings around Gun Violence, see the Social Message on Gun-Related Violence and Trauma, Social Message on Suicide Prevention, Social Message on Community Violence, and the Social Statement on Peace.


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