Take action on hunger in the Farm Bill

UPDATE: While WIC is fully funded, SNAP remains at risk.  Join faith leaders telling lawmakers to protect anti-hunger programs in the Farm Bill. 

By the end of September, lawmakers must reauthorize or extend a new Farm Bill as the federal programs it covers face expiration. This includes benefits like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) that gives food assistance to millions of Americans each year. The Farm Bill provides a unique opportunity to address the root causes of hunger and advance towards a just world where all are fed - but could also set back anti-hunger efforts if new proposed barriers are implemented.  action series on farm bill priorities.png

Urge Congress to support anti-hunger and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits at this critical moment, as legislators plan to reauthorize the expiring Farm Bill this year..

Hunger and food insecurity are a reality for far too many families in the United States, a struggle which has only been compounded by inflation. Food-at-home costs rose an average of over 5% in 2023, and over 11% in 2022 by Department of Agriculture and Consumer Price Index estimates. Many ministries, food banks and church volunteers report new challenges such as longer food lines, empty shelves and surging demand that the religious community cannot meet alone. Congress and our public partners must hear about the experiences of our ministries and from concerned constituents now.

SNAP, a cornerstone of the Farm Bill, provides vital assistance to low-income individuals and families, ensuring access to the nutrition we all need. However, proposed changes to the program, added bureaucracy to existing work requirements, and funding cuts threaten its effectiveness and reach. Lutherans across the United States last year gathered in various listening sessions, weighing in on what should be core priorities in any Farm Bill. We must stand together to advocate for a Farm Bill that strengthens, not weakens, SNAP to ensure that vulnerable populations do not go hungry.

Here are some steps you can do to take action: 
  • Go Further: Consider giving to ELCA World Hunger to help support Lutheran efforts to address hunger and its root causes, strengthening our shared mission striving for a just world where all are fed.
  • Share Widely: Volume of calls and emails are urgently needed. Share this email and tell your friends that the time to take action is now.

Add your own personal story, theological perspective, or volunteer experience will make your message uniquely compelling. Customize the following message with your experience and convictions. 

Thank you for your advocacy.

POSTED: 2/28/24, updated 3/5/24, updated 3/21/24


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Support SNAP benefits this year

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