Sumud - April 2024

Protect civilians in Gaza by opposing additional U.S. aid to Israel, urging an immediate ceasefire, and advocating for continued humanitarian assistance. 

sumud_logo_4c.jpgTensions in the Middle East continue to escalate after the Israeli bombing of an Iranian consular building in Syria on April 1 was followed less than two weeks later by retaliatory missiles and drones launched by Iran toward Israel. No one was killed, and most of the missiles were stopped by Israel’s “Iron Dome” missile defense system or intercepted by the U.S., Jordanian or Saudi militaries. Yet one missile severely injured a 7-year-old Bedouin child.
This escalation follows the continued failure of Israel and Hamas to agree to a cease-fire, even as Israeli military action proceeds in Gaza. The Palestinian death toll since Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7, 2023, has now reached over 33,000 people, and Gaza’s hospital system has been devastated, especially after the harrowing assault on and destruction of one of its few remaining hospitals, Al Shifa Hospital in Gaza City.  
A permanent cease-fire is necessary to protect the millions of Palestinian civilians caught between the military action, secure the release of all those held hostage and those held in prison without charges, de-escalate growing tensions in the region and address the dire need for humanitarian aid in Gaza. Parallel to a cease-fire, the U.S. should immediately halt all current and future transfers of military arms and aid to Israel.  

Faith-based groups began calling for a cease-fire almost immediately after Oct. 7 and have advocated, amid growing popular demand, for the U.S. to shift course in the Middle East, support a permanent cease-fire and condition future military aid to Israel. A poll launched in March shows a majority of Americans agreeing that the U.S. should halt weapons shipments to Israel until it ends its devastating attacks Gaza. PNW
International human rights organizations, including Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, have called on the United States to implement a comprehensive arms embargo. The Biden administration has proceeded with scheduled arm transfers to Israel, even amid increasing criticism of the Netanyahu government. The Biden administration and Congress must act with moral courage and take urgent proactive measures to halt the flow of U.S. weapons to Israel amid mass civilian casualties.

Hundreds of thousands of Palestinian lives are at stake, at risk from disease, bombings and famine. Call on your legislators to protect civilians in Gaza by opposing U.S. military aid (such as the proposed $16.5 billion in the supplemental bill), to demand an immediate and permanent cease-fire and to provide continued humanitarian support to Palestinians in Gaza — both directly and through restored, robust U.S. financial contributions to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), the leading humanitarian organization serving Palestinians.

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Protect Gazan civilians: oppose U.S aid to Israel, urge immediate ceasefire and advocate for humanitarian aid

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