LAMPa Advocacy Action Center

Hate Has No Home in PA
Combat hate with a robust update to PA's hate crimes laws expanding the protected groups to cover LGBTQ+ and disabled people, strengthening civil and criminal penalties, and increasing training for police and educators.
Pass Sensible Gun Laws in PA
The vast majority of Pennsylvanians support common sense gun laws such as universal background checks and emergency removal protection orders. These laws have passed the House with bipartisan support. Urge your Senator to support them!
Driver's Licenses for All
Support HB769, granting driver's licenses for all PA residents who pass the exam, regardless of citizenship.
End the Death Penalty in PA
Urge PA representatives to support HB999 and end the death penalty in the Commonwealth.
Filter First
There is no safe level of lead consumption, but unfortunately, many school districts in Pennsylvania are providing drinking water that contains lead. SB986 would require a statewide Filter First policy to make sure our students have safe drinking water.
Protect Against LGBTQ+ Discrimination in PA
In Pennsylvania, more than half a million LGBTQ+ residents are vulnerable to discrimination every day because of a lack of express and enduring protections at the state level. It's time to make PA a safe place to live, love and work for everyone.

National Alerts

Urge Congress to expand the Child Tax Credit
As child poverty grows, lawmakers must prioritize tax relief for low-income families. [Posted: 11/9/23, Updated 2/20/2024]
Advocate for Conservation and Climate-Friendly Farm Bill Measures
Our action can advance sustainable agriculture and climate resilience. [Posted 4/17/24]
Looking Forward on Immigration, the Border
Advocate for more humane policies at the heart of immigration talks. [Posted: 1/24/24, updated 2/15/24]
Simplify and Improve Disaster Response Policies
Urge Congress to improve disaster policy ahead of any possible natural disaster [Posted 6/1/23]
Sumud - April 2024
Protect civilians in Gaza by opposing additional U.S. military aid to Israel, urging an immediate ceasefire, and advocating for continued humanitarian assistance. [Posted 4/18/2024]
Sumud - March 2024
Palestinians in Gaza do not have much time. Increase policy pressure for an immediate, permanent cease-fire. [Posted 3/21/2024]
Support Policy that Improves Disaster Relief and Prevention
Urge Congress to pass effective disaster reform programs [Posted 9/29/22]