Welcome to Ryan A. Lawrence's Personal Page

Hello friends and family,
I am excited to announce that I have been accepted into the Young Adults Global Mission (YAGM) program through the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). I will be serving in the United Kingdom from August 2019 through August 2020 with 11 fellow YAGM participants in a partnership between the ELCA and Time for God (TFG), based out of the United Kingdom. I am one of more than 70 young adults serving on behalf of the ELCA in programs in 11 different countries around the world!
Please stay connected with me and follow my adventures as I work through my year of service by visiting https://ryanandrewlawrence.com. You can sign up to receive my newsletter, view photos of my service, connect with me on social media, and learn more about me and my journey through life to this point.
YAGM is an amazing program that allows young adults to serve the world, grow spiritually, and assist the greater church throughout the world. Growing up in the church, I always felt a calling to serve others and was exposed to the Global Mission and YAGM programs through my home congregation’s commitment to Global Mission. After many prayers and multiple discernment processes, it is apparent that God is calling me to serve through the YAGM program.
What will you be doing?
I find out my site placement within the United Kingdom and what specifically I will be doing during my year of service, in early August. A sampling of what I could potentially be doing are:
- Working in a local congregation (this can include youth work, leading worship, work with the elderly, and a variety of other ministries)
- Working with people experiencing homelessness
- Serving in live-in addiction recovery centers
- Caring for children with special needs
- Serving as a tutor and mentor to at-risk youth
- Leading youth clubs
- Leading school assemblies
- Serving in urban community centers
- Creative projects
How can You help?
The easiest way to support me in this process is through monetary donations. As part of accepting this call, I am asked to raise at least $5,000, however I have set a goal of $8,000. Please help me reach my goal by supporting my fundraising efforts with a donation today. Through your donation, you join me on this journey as I grow in my own faith and walk in partnership with our global companions. I am thrilled to think about the ways in which this year will form and transform me.
I also ask you for your continued love, prayer and support as I enter my year of service.
Thank you for joining me and for your support – every gift truly matters!
About Young Adults in Global Mission
The ELCA’s Young Adults in Global Mission program provides young adults, ages 21-29, the opportunity to grow in their faith and work in partnership with our global companions. Young adults in the program serve in churches, schools and social service ministries. Currently the program is engaged in work in Argentina/Uruguay, Australia, Cambodia, Central Europe, Jerusalem/West Bank, Madagascar, Mexico, Rwanda, Senegal, Southern Africa and the United Kingdom.
The total cost for one young adult in the program is $15,000. Each young adult is tasked with raising a minimum of $5,000 to help support their year of service. The ELCA commits to raising the additional $10,000 per volunteer through generous congregations and donors. If more than $5,000 in gifts is received, the additional funds will be help to support other young adult volunteers and ensure that there is a sustainable source of revenue for future the Young Adults in Global Mission program.

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