Pay it forward for Young Adults in Global Mission! Through the #YAGMForward campaign, you can help bolster this ministry at a key moment in its history, paying it forward for the next cohort of volunteers.
Your support is especially needed right now. While YAGM is unable to send volunteers due to COVID-19 this year, the vital work of this program continues as YAGM country coordinators partner with our global companions during a pandemic. We need your help to sustain and strengthen the YAGM program for the present and the future.
Give a gift to Young Adults in Global Mission in honor of the YAGM Mexico country program today. Our goal is to raise $15,000, and you can help us get there! Your gifts will help ensure that this church can continue to accompany our companions, uplift leaders and be church for the sake of the world.
About the YAGM Mexico Country Program
The YAGM Mexico program is based in Central Mexico, a diverse region encompassing the second largest city in the world (Mexico City), bustling industrial centers, small towns and rural villages. Volunteers live and serve in the states of Mexico, Mexico City, Puebla, Tlaxcala and Morelos. Within this region, YAGM volunteers navigate busy public transportation networks (subways and buses); traverse farmland and lush, rainy mountain ranges; gather in traditional plazas and markets; and stand in awe of the many volcanoes (some dormant and others not!) found in the region. Living with local families, YAGM volunteers become part of intergenerational communities that accompany them throughout the year, immersing them in the culture, language and history of the country while also truly becoming their family. The YAGM Mexico program is connected to the Iglesia Luterana de Mexico (ILM) and an individual Lutheran church in Mexico City, Iglesia Luterana del Buen Pastor. Volunteers serve at schools, NGOs and nonprofits that focus on issues such as immigration and refugee resettlement, human rights and community organizing, environmental justice, education and equity. Throughout the year, volunteers participate in retreats that center on racial justice and spirituality, and engage in a border immersion experience along the U.S.-Mexico border. YAGM volunteers in Mexico come to know not only its richness and complexity but also how interconnected the United States is with its closest neighbors to the south.
The ELCA’s Young Adults in Global Mission program provides young adults, ages 21-29, the opportunity to grow in their faith and work in partnership with our global companions. Young adults in the program serve in churches, schools and social service ministries. Currently the program is engaged in work in Argentina and Uruguay, Australia, Central Europe (Hungary and Serbia), Jerusalem and the West Bank, Madagascar, Mexico, Nepal, Rwanda, Senegal, and the United Kingdom.