Change Makers Bike Ride 2017 Grand Forks Conference
Support my fundraiser for ELCA World Hunger!
Plans are underway for the annual Change Makers Bike Ride in the Eastern ND Synod to raise awareness and receive offerings for the ELCA Hunger program. This year our ride is expanding in a huge way! Bishop Terry suggested we connect the 500th anniversary of the Reformation with our ride, but none of the organizers wanted to bike 500 miles. The solution?
EIGHT rides will take place on the same two days - one ride in each of the eight conferences of our synod. Routes of approximately 60 miles in each conference will add up to about 500 miles!
The eight synod rides will take place June 23-24, and a team leader in each conference is planning the most appropriate route. People can bike a segment or the entire two-day ride. Churches are being invited to host meals, refreshment stops, and an overnight stop.
The goal is to raise $5000 in each of the eight conferences. Churches are asked to take an offering for ELCA Hunger prior to the ride, and present checks for the offering to the bikers along the route. WELCA groups are also encouraged to present offerings for hunger.
Hunger is an international crisis. Many people around the world struggle to find enough food to survive. It is true in our own state of ND that one out of seven are at risk for hunger. The goal of these rides is to raise awareness of this issue, and to raise funds to help alleviate hunger. More information will be forthcoming for registration and the process for making contributions. Registration for riders will open April 15 through the EaND Synod web site.About ELCA World Hunger
As a long-standing presence in communities in nearly 60 countries, including the United States, ELCA World Hunger is deeply relational and rooted in listening. We steer clear of “one-size-fits-all” answers and have enormous respect for local context, local expertise and local ingenuity. Your gifts support tailored solutions – in areas like health, water, income, education, food security, and more – that can put an end to hunger for the long term.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is one of the largest Christian denominations in the United States with more than 3.8 million members in 10,000 congregations across the nation and the Caribbean.