The Rev. Roger Livdahl
The Rev. Roger Livdahl

Livdahl's Legacy

Welcome to Livdahl's Legacy campaign page!

Fundraising Update! It is important to not that this Team ELCA website is just PART of where dontations are being accepted. Checks are being collected through Salem as well. 

As of Sunday May 5, 2024 our total raised for ELCA World Hunger in honor or Roger is....drum roll please...$10,066! Yay and Thank You!

Help us support ELCA World Hunger AND celebrate the ministry and servant leadership of Roger Livdahl! Our goal is to raise $5,000 for ELCA World Hunger in honor of Roger.

In conjunction with the year-long 50th Anniversary of ELCA World Hunger and its predecessor bodies, Salem English Lutheran Church is asking you to join in celebrating one of the key people in its development and history...The Rev. Roger Livdahl. 

As one of the people who helped shape what the ELCA Hunger work would look like when it was formed, and as its director for 8 years, there is nothing that would honor Roger's leadership and ministry more than a gift in his name to help continue this important work. 

God richly provides for our daily bread – the earth can produce enough to feed everyone. And yet 870 million people – that’s one out of nine people in our world today – are hungry. In celebration of 50 years of Lutherans addressing the root causes of hunger and poverty in the world AND Roger’s servant heart and ministry, let’s roll up our sleeves and change some lives!

Please help us reach our goal by supporting our fundraising efforts with a donation today. Through our efforts, we are part of making a difference and pursuing a world of justice where all are fed. Together, we accomplish much more than we ever could do alone.

Thank you for joining us in this celebration and for your support – every gift truly matters! 

ELCA World Hunger may be eligible for employer matching gift programs. If you have access to such a program, please save your receipt and submit it for a matching gift to amplify the impact of your generous donation.

Also know that funds are being raised through donations by cash and check through Salem and won't be reflected on our Team ELCA site until the very end of the campaign. 

About ELCA World Hunger

As a long-standing presence in communities in nearly 60 countries, including the United States, ELCA World Hunger is deeply relational and rooted in listening. We steer clear of “one-size-fits-all” answers and have enormous respect for local context, local expertise and local ingenuity. Your gifts support tailored solutions – in areas like health, water, income, education, food security, and more – that can put an end to hunger for the long term.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is one of the largest Christian denominations in the United States with more than 3.8 million members in 10,000 congregations across the nation and the Caribbean.

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