An online benefit for ELCA World Hunger

Thanks to your incredible generosity, we have met our matching goal of $250,000! Now, there is still more work to do. Your continuing support for ELCA World Hunger will meet immediate, critical needs around the world, and it will help to build a more stable future.

What your gifts can do
As Rick Steves shares in his special Hunger and Hope: Lessons From Ethiopia and Guatemala, your gifts can change the lives of your brothers and sisters struggling with hunger and poverty around the world.

  • $25,000 can support a vocational training program.
  • $5,000 can provide farmers with training, seeds and tools.
  • $2,500 can provide a simple water well.
  • $715 can fund a family farm.
  • $300 can provide nutrition for a child for one year.
  • $125 can provide a microloan for a woman.
  • $75 can stock a health clinic for a week.
  • $30 can provide vaccinations for a child.

We are called by God to share hope in this time of challenge. Join us to face this global hunger crisis head-on and to continue moving toward a just world where all are fed.

If you prefer to give by phone, please call 800-638-3522.